Blood King Rising (Investigators 2)

Call of Cthulhu | Blood king Rising - Entry 2 (Investigators)

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Constance Lamb

Constance is an ambitious woman.

She is a natural actor and a gifted singer.  All she has ever really wanted to do is see her name up in lights and live the high-life of a big-time star.

She found out early that she would need to supplement her meagre income in order to make the connections that she needed to get her big break.

A randy senator introduced her to the possibilities and then introduced her to some of his wealthy friends.  She was on her way.

She was already becoming disillusioned with the role of call girl when she met Corwyn Malloran III and the others.  Now she was embroiled in "shady shamus shenanigans" and up to her delicate neck in Eldritch Entities.  

It was terrifying work, but the pay was much better.  The more she assisted in the investigations, the more she grew in maturity.

Now she is a shadow-director of M.A.D. Investigations and has discovered that the bright lights of Hollywood hide a darkness all their own.

Tony S

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ArkhamHorror _Image _20 Brendan Delvert
Brendan Delvert

Brendan was a Methodist pastor until he encountered something otherworldly and totally EVIL.  He couldn't let it go despite the wishes of his superiors.

In time, his obsession resulted in him being defrocked and banished.

He used his training to gain library work wherever he could find it and traveled the country searching for more examples of the terrors he had encountered in a single night.

Eventually, he wound up in Boston doing business with a charlatan called Madame Astra (also known as Jenny Astrid).

That interaction brought him together with the group of people that would eventually be the six directors of M.A.D. Investigations.

He was happy with his name being left off the letterhead, so long is able to continue his researches into the strange and terrifying events occurring all over the country.

Kevin S

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ArkhamHorror _Image _16 Arnie Maron
Arnie Maron

Arnie was an unschooled troublemaker who ended up making a choice between the army or prison.

His choice gave him the skills he would need later on.

A survivor of the Great War, he has bad dreams, a gammy leg, and an understanding of what desperate people are capable of doing.

He became a gravedigger and a killer-for-hire.  He doesn't take high-profile jobs, but has had enough of a success rate that he is regularly considering potential targets.

He reluctantly became involved with Corwyn and the others.  The first investigation led to him being possessed by a dead wizard, the follow-up interaction with a mutated mob boss brought him into contact with a dream monster that still gives him nightmares.

Becoming a shadow-director of M.A.D. Investigations means that he is financially secure enough to pick-and-choose the assassination targets he is offered, and the investigations bring that adrenalin rush he needs to stay vital.

Marty O

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Shadow Directors

The first three investigators became the names on the letterhead.  Malloran, Astrid & Drago.  Which can be amusingly shortened to M.A.D. Investigations.  The perfect description for the types of cases that they generally find themselves embroiled in.

These three investigators have their own reasons for not advertising themselves.

Constance (Connie to her friends) wants a different kind of recognition.  She wants to be a serious actress and star in movies that would garner her world-wide recognition.  She thinks that being associated with "shady shamus shenanigans" would be detrimental to that goal.  She is starting to realise that the shenanigans are actually more about keeping the world safe one (or more) person at a time.

Arnie doesn't want anyone to be too familiar with his name and photograph.  He doesn't mind working behind the scenes in the shadows, as he has a past that does not need to be stirred up.  As good as he is at his "cleaning" work, there are bound to be a few people who might recognise his face and want payback.

Brendan simply doesn't care about anything other than his investigations.  With M.A.D. Investigations, he has access to an incredible archive of weird writings, he has the financial support needed to grow that archive (and Jenny is remarkably good at locating long-vanished tomes), and he has the backing of a group of friends who will stand with him against the Darkness.

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